Find Classes in a Flash with Attorney

find classes in a flash

There’s a proverb that says, “If you know you can do better, then do better.

At, our goal is to help you to do what you do better and faster and the FIND CLASSES tool does that!

Despite all the current disruption and adjustments we’re making to working from home, trademark professionals like you can harness the power of technology to work more productively than ever before.

FIND CLASSES is a pre-filing tool which provides Nice class and goods information in seconds. We think it’s particularly useful when a client comes to you with a new brand and you need to advise them on the classes and goods and services most likely to be of interest for their new trademark applications. This is advice that you often provide free of charge, so you want this task to be as time-efficient as possible.

Find classes for trademarks in seconds using Attorney

Simply type a term, like craft beer, for example, into the search box and in an instant,’s AI-powered FIND CLASSES software delivers results. It lists classes and goods and services in order of relevance, indicated by a 5-star rating system.

Find classes and get results in a flash using Attorney

You can edit and re-order the results, deleting those that won’t be of interest, and then click to create and export a custom report you can share with your clients.

This (often non-billable) task that would previously take about 30-40 minutes, can now be accomplished in under two minutes.

Watch this short demo video to see it for yourself!

If you haven’t yet experienced the seamless efficiency that Attorney can bring to your trademark tasks, contact us today.

Request a demo

“The efficiency and speed with which it allows specifications of goods and services to be crafted across multiple jurisdictions is almost magical.” ~ Joanne Martin, Partner at FB Rice

“I’m using Attorney all the time now. It’s the tool I have been wanting for at least 15 years.” ~ Belinda Wadeson, Wadeson IP, Australia

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